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Update 5.34 discussion: 2025-03-10 19:19:49

Level 64

Warzone Creator
Update 5.34 discussion: 2025-03-10 19:28:47

Level 63
Why is the "Copy Game at Turn" function only for games that have been completed? My thinking with this feature request was mainly based on ongoing games, allowing you to test out a plan or try to play around with where you think your opponent is.

For reference: My initial feature request for this can be found here: https://www.warzone.com/Forum/767588-create-game-exactly

Edited 3/10/2025 19:29:00
Update 5.34 discussion: 2025-03-10 19:31:39

Level 64

Warzone Creator
Why is the "Copy Game at Turn" function only for games that have been completed?

It would be information disclosure. Create a copy of a fogged game, then surrender it so you can look at how many armies everyone has, how many cards they have, what gold they're stockpiling, etc.

Edited 3/10/2025 19:32:20
Update 5.34 discussion: 2025-03-10 19:37:07

Level 63
Update 5.34 discussion: 2025-03-10 19:37:23

Level 63
@Fizzer: No AMA this time?
Update 5.34 discussion: 2025-03-10 19:40:14

Level 63
@JK, I was thinking the same thing ... where's the AMA?

@Crouton, only way that would work is if the new game only had the info visible to you. And I think this would cause issues with the WZ engine

Example, if you are on a normal fogged map and haven't met your enemy yet ... technically that map (even if you surrendered) would have 0 enemies, just you and a bunch of neutrals, so technically it's a won game, and ends as soon as its created

But even if you saw the enemy on a single territory that wasn't a complete bonus of its own, enemy would have to have only base income, no other territories (even if you discerned them yourself due to picks, etc) on the map

So they'd be wildly inaccurate reproductions of the ongoing games

I'm guessing what you're thinking of is a more advanced simulator, where you say "create the game as of this state, give player X income of this, player Y income of that" and then manually make moves for both sides to consider possibilities, maybe even have branches of moves?

Similar to what you might see on a chess or go site when reviewing a game -- and this (if that's in fact what you meant), would be amazing ... but way beyond what this feature was meant to do

Edited 3/10/2025 19:40:49
Update 5.34 discussion: 2025-03-10 20:02:11

Level 64

Warzone Creator
No AMA this time, I have a busy week. I'll cover this update in the next AMA (even though it may be old by then!)
Update 5.34 discussion: 2025-03-10 20:05:17

Level 63
@krinid yes I am looking for something like an "advanced game simulator" as you described.

Another component of this feature request was to be able to create a game with all the neutrals and spawn options already built in instead of just recreating the template and settings. This would require the option to manually place you and your opponent(s) distributions on the generated map, but would be much quicker than how this process currently works of having to manually go through and assign values to all the territories on map.
Update 5.34 discussion: 2025-03-10 20:25:39

Level 63
So many parts of this update put a smile on my face . . . any update that had "Mods:" at the start gets a big thumbs up from me (: <---- that's the smile on my face

- "Improved settings dialog" - looks nice, streamlined; down side, it previously only had a big delay (notably on highly modded games) when you clicked of "Full Settings", now that delay happens whenever entering Game Settings (but it's instant when you expand the settings)
- "Copy Game at Turn" - will be great for post game analysis
- "Website: Fixed some mods not having their UI laid out properly" - yea! This made some mod text look real uuuuugly
- "Mods: Mods can now create radio buttons" - yea! Make sure to upgrade your mobile apps once the update is up, b/c this will be version dependent and I guess older clients won't be able to view radio button controls
- "Mods: Lua errors in the browser now give stack traces with line numbers in the mod-crashed dialog" - sweeeeeeeeeet! The best part of this is that any players encountering errors will have better info to provide us - copy & paste that text/screenshot and send them along pls, we try to fix everything but sometimes stuff slips through
- "Mods: Client_PresentPlayCardUI now gives mods the ability to close the cards dialog" - nice
- "Mods: Fixed Client_GameOrderCreated not being able to read territory picks in manual distribution games" - amazing! @Ryan Doherty ... all clear now my friend!
- "Mods: Fixed WL.enumtype.ToString() functions" - nice!
- "Mods: Fixed Client_PresentPlayCardUI not registering Mod and UI hooks if it was called before other client hooks" - aww yea! Another lingering problem bites the dust
- "Mods: Fixed an error if you set number of card pieces to 0 or negative" - arguably a careless modder error (yea it was me) but great that it doesn't crash the game
- "Mods: Fixed allowing GameOrderAttackTransferResult.ActualArmies to be set to a negative number" - same careless modder (and still me); or maybe it's more of a caring and creative troubleshooting modder?
- "Mods: Fixed “can’t transfer to a neutral” error that occurred when a mod resurrected a failed transfer" - awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Limited Multimove will be perfect now (announcement coming soon!)

So many great fixes, thanks Fizzer
Update 5.34 discussion: 2025-03-10 20:33:06

Level 63
This template then gets locked in for a week, after which it will pick a new one for the next week.

@Fizzer : is there a specific day/time when the new QM template gets picked every week?
Update 5.34 discussion: 2025-03-10 20:47:57

Level 40
Random template is nice, allows other templates to get a chance of at least being noticed and likely also helps map variety as a side result

All the mods changes are great
Update 5.34 discussion: 2025-03-10 20:48:07

Level 63
API: In the SetMapDetails API, specifying a color is now optional when making a bonus.

@Fizzer : is this done by not including "color" in the json at all, or by setting it to a null value? Or empty string? Or something else?

You can just omit it, see documentation on wiki https://www.warzone.com/wiki/Set_map_details_API

Edited 3/10/2025 21:47:42
Update 5.34 discussion: 2025-03-10 23:45:13

Level 40
Can you create from game while the game is in progress if it’s a no-fog game (if custom fog from mods are not active)?
Update 5.34 discussion: 2025-03-10 23:47:47

Level 63
No, only once the game is finished the Create from Turn option is shown when creating a game on the template.
If the game is still going, you get the default ""Create from game" and "Create from template" options.
Update 5.34 discussion: 2025-03-11 03:03:13

Level 63
I thought it'd be beside "Finish with AI" but it's from the same spot as creating a new game from the template of a game in Settings

And it creates a new game with the same players and puts it into the lobby

Not what I was expecting tbh

What I think would improve it:
(A) make able to play with AIs
(B) make able to play with different players; the UI let's you swap out the original players out, but putting in another player doesn't do what you might expect ... map is 100% fogged for the new player, and the game throws an error for me (I've already reported it); actually it seems to throw a lot of errors for me (reported those too)
(C) allow to create from final turn of game; guessing this was done to only allow N-1 b/c typically final turn is where someone loses and can't recreate from end of that turn b/c it'd already be over (no territories, no commander, etc) -- but they might also have booted or surrendered and it might be a totally playable turn

But actually I think what would be even better, is take 1 step closer to what Crouton suggested, and allow to create a game in "training/analysis mode" (practice game, no XP, achievements, etc) where 1 player controls both players, has free reign over fog, etc; this is most often going to be used not to seriously replay games from a certain turn # but to analyze games and conduct training

Spectators can come in, game host can assign control of the moves to other players, take control back, etc; basically it's like the post-game review state (can see moves, change perspective, etc) but you could also make new moves from a certain point in the game -- tbh, it would probably be more useful to add this function to the review state of a game than actually creating a whole new game from a certain turn # and building this review functionality into that

And yea, I hear someone already saying "feature request" ... I'm just brainstorming, adding details to Crouton's idea, it's not my feature to request

Edited 3/11/2025 03:29:06
Update 5.34 discussion: 2025-03-11 14:49:13

Level 40
It would be a cherry-on-top if you could do RadioButtonGroup.GetCheckedRadioButton() (should return nil or the only checked radio button, if it isn't destroyed) and RadioButtonGroup.SetCheckedRadioButton(RadioButton) where the group of RadioButton is the same as RadioButtonGroup and RadioButton is not destroyed. RadioButtonGroups can't exist within each other anyway (causes mod crash, which is a good thing).

Edit: this is only useful if you can associate a RadioButton with numerical ordering of radio buttons within a RadioButtonGroup

Probably best just to use RadioButton.OnValueChanged

Edited 3/11/2025 15:09:26
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