The process of the matchesSince the features we use (seeding, best of X format) do not currently exist in WZ this event will be full manually controlled.
It means, that the participants will be continuously contacted by the Tour admins (by WZ mails, WZ dummy games plus any preferred method), receiving the instructions and if need helps (answering any questions). So actually the participants only need to care about these Tour admin contact actions and of course the boot time of the started WZ games.
- All matches will start the pick/ban phase. For this, we will use dummy games.
The game will use 3 day auto boot setting with vacations enabled.
- First, the higher seeded player has to choose between being Player A or B within the 3 days. The end date will be written by a Tour admin (the players haven't joined yet) and the boot will be manually too.
- If the higher seeded player chooses Player A, then they have to give their first ban(s) too.
- After that the players should join (and commit if the other player already joined in the meantime) the game.
- Next will be the turn of the lower seeded player. A Tour admin will write the boot time for them (if they haven't joined the game yet) or the game will indicate the boot time automatically (if he already joined).
- After they write their choice in the chat they should commit twice, and then the other player's turn will come.
- This is until the last step, where Player A will pick the last, deciding template.
After that Player A should vote to end and commit, and later Player B vote to end too.
- Tour admins will help you with instructions in the game chats.
After the first two picks are completed the match will officially begin, and a Tour admin will create the first two games.
In the Semifinals and Final, a short template pool expansion step will be before this pick/ban phase, using private messages in the dummy game. See more details in the pick/ban phase section.
The fights will use standard WZ games, so after both players join, the role of the Tour admin is finished regarding that game.
The games will use 3 day auto boot with vacations honored.
Maximum two games at a time for the players from this event unless both players agree to having more/less at once
The results will be recorded here in the Magazine, in the corresponding match section and in the google sheet (bracket) too.
A match will be finished if one of the players will gain the necessary number of wins (In a best of n, this is (n+1)/2).
If both players are ready for the next round, it will start immediately.