New mod "CardPack - Utility (Shield,Monolith,De+Neutralize)" has gone live, it's Public and available for use

It brings 4 new cards Shield, Monolith, Neutralize, Deneutralize:
Shieldto protects units on a territory for some # of turns

Monolithto prevent a territory from being captured (but doesn't protect any units on it)

This pic demonstrates attacks on territories with a Shield (units survive) & a Monolith (units die), both territories aren't captured

Neutralizeto temporarily turn an enemy territory to Neutral for some # of turns before reverting ownership to its previous owner. Can configured to be not be possible when Commanders or other Special Units are on a territory.
BEFORE Neutralization:
AFTER Neutralization: (fyi, the Commander is fine, locked away in carbonite for a couple turns)

Deneutralizeto take ownership of a neutral territory. Can be configured to only work on territories that were Neutralized using the Neutralized cards ("Neutralized neutrals") or traditional neutrals ("Natural neutrals") that either started as neutral/wastelands/blockades/etc.
BEFORE Deneutralization:
AFTER Deneutralization: