- Select a territory
- Set stroke width to 1.1425
- Stroke-to-path (ctrl-alt-C)
- Break-apart (ctrl-shift-K)
- Delete the inner shape
- Set the stroke width of the remaining shape back to 1
If you do this for all territories, the gap should be gone.
If you've already given the territories ID's etc. that you want to keep, duplicate them first and do the above steps only to the duplicate.
Then union (ctrl-+) the result with the original shape. That way it should keep the territory ID.
- Select all territories at once
- Go Object > Transform > Scale
- Checkmark "Apply to each object separately"
- Scale by 100.01% or something
- I don't know how big your territories are so try out a few percentages until you find one that mostly works
Won't be as accurate as the first option, but a lot less work.
Edited 3/21/2025 10:12:03