Thomas, you live in Australia so I suppose your miles away from any girls you'd probably like to fuck so I suppose there isn't really a danger for you?
Isn't most of Saudi Arabia full of terrorism and jihadists? (Doing what Colonel does when he stereotypes countries)
Also if you knew anything (which you don't) then you would know that out of the 8 territories/states we have only 2 of them have Deserts in them and the others (Victoria for example) are pretty densely populated.
Queensland isn't desert.. Quite the contrary actually rainforests and a lot of heat though not sure about South Australia most of it isn't desert though?
Saudi Arabia = A big country of lots of different cultures and traditions depending on where you are and which tribe you are from. Have law and order thanks to an effective criminal justice system. Australia = Personal property of the Queen of Britain, full of racist convicted criminals who live upside-down.
Saudi Arabia = A big country of lots of different cultures and traditions depending on where you are and which tribe you are from. Have law and order thanks to an effective criminal justice system.
Saudi Arabia=Desert+Oil+Mecca Australia=Desert+Coasts+Colonies