You appear arrogant because you allow yourself to decides who are good players (and who are not). This gives the impression of you thinking you are always right (e.g arrogant). You would have been better of focusing all your arguments on the template and not on who is (or isn't) playing it.
Come on, there are junk teams above good teams, and there is no way that would occur on such a regular basis with a truly strategic template.
If there are "junk teams" above a good team the "junk team" is not junk.
I did not say anything about you guys being #1. I looked at people I dont know and saw total noobs in top 10
Do you expect to know every good players on WL? Just because you don't know them doesn't mean they don't know how to play.
But there are not many really good players on there compared to how it used to be.
It would be very hard to prove that this is a result of the template. Also the players ther now may very well be really good. And again, how good a template is don't depend on who is playing it.
I recommenced you read Pulsey's comment again. Also as Mathwolf said, you appear biased in this discussion. To conclude, next time you make a comment on a template make sure all parts of your statement is about the template and NOT about any players/teams.
Have you looked at the teams on there? There are zero players from [20], WG, WM, GG, apex on any ranked team. 1 player from Masters. Nobody wants to play that ladder.
If you had dropped this statement from your first post the discussion could have been on-topic. Instead we are now discussing arrogance and players. The template is simply not the focus anymore. If you want to make it right, Try to make a new thread, with the same title and same first post, except for the last part that I quoted. I would expect to see a completely different discussion then.
Edited 4/3/2015 18:29:59