All right , I was thinking of it during the night (while sleeping :P). And you are right Fizzer - in case of auction for beeeing the first player ties could be the problem as most of players wont bid if there are no teriitory conflicts.
Therfore i propse that:
1) the turn order (which is not so important) should be resolved in a who picks first fashion (like before)
2) any territory conflicts (which are the biggest issue for the start of the game ) should be resolved via auction as mentioned in my 1st post:
auction system:for easier understanding lets assume that in situation when player has to pick "n" territories, the first "n" number of territories he has choosen are 1-st grade picks and any additional are 2nd grade picks (so if he was to choose 3 territories and he has choosen A B C D E F G , 1st grade picks are A B C and 2nd grade picks are D E F G )
When there is a situation when 2 or more players picked one territory there starts additional round of auction.
The player is informed that one of the territories he has choosen is picked by another player (or more) and now he must
bet on it. The player is informed which territory it is so that he can estimate its value.
Now betting. What to bet?
Initial income! (usually standard 5 per turn).
So player can bet a number ranging from 0 to n (where n is per turn income for this particular game).
Let's suppose he has choosen 3 and his opponent has chosen 2. This means that he has won and that this territory is his.
But this also means that on his first round he will not get this 3 income. So if the base income is 5 he will only get 2.
Of course his opponent doesnt have to pay anything.
When the player looses the auction he is given the first free territory from his 2nd picks list (or random territory if he
doesnt have any valid 2nd grade picks).
The auction is only resolved for a conflicts in 1st grade picks.
If player has more than one conflitct, he is bidding all of them in the same auction turn (so if he has conflict in territories A and B and is given 5 initial income, then if he bids 3 for A he can bid maxmally 2 for B as he has only 5 to spread beetwen them)
There may be two options for conflict of his 2nd grade picks
a) his new territory (2nd grade) was choosen by another player as his main territory (1st grade pick). In that situation he looses this conflict automatically and is given his next 2nd grade territory
in game with 3 territories to pick
(1st grades) (2nd grades)
Palyer 1 picks territories : A B C D E F G
Player 2 picks territories : H I B P O U
Player 3 picks territories : W V D Y Z X
in that situation there is conflict between player 1 and player 2 for territory B
Lets assume that player 2 wins the auction. Now the player 1 is given a teritory from his 2-nd grade picks. D is first in
a row, but it turns out that there is another conflict because D was also choosen by player 3. In thet case D is given to player 3 because it was his 1st grade pick (for player D it was 2nd grade pick). Now the player 1 is given next territory from his 2nd grades which is E.
b) the new territory from 2nd grade picks was also given to another player that has lost auction as his 2nd grade pick. In that situation there is an autoamtic TIE and both of them are given their next 2nd grade picks.
in game with 3 territories to pick
(1st grades) (2nd grades)
Palyer 1 picks territories : A B C D E F G
Player 2 picks territories : K I B P O U
Player 3 picks territories : S V W Y Z X
Player 4 picks territories : R T S D K J
in that situations there is conflict between player 1 and player 2 for territory B and between player 3 and player 4 for territory S Lets assume that players 2 and 3 win their auctions. Now the player 1 is given a first teritory from his 2-nd grade picks which is D and the player 4 is given the first teritorry form his 2nd grade picks which is also D. In that situtation none of them gets it so their are given : Player on E and Player 4 K.
Of course K was picked by player 2 as his 1st grade pick so Player 4 canat have it (situtation a) and is given another 2nd grade which is J. If player 4 didnt have J in his 2ng grade list, he would be given random territory
it may look complicated but it is quite easy. And most of it wil be resolved automaticaly - players will only have to bet.
Summing up.
- 1) player can bet on his conflict territories in auction turn. He is betting with his initial income.
- 2) if he wins he gets it but his income in first round is lowered by the sum that he has bet
- 3) if he looses he is given territory from his 2nd grade picks (according to their picking line) and he doesnt have to pay
- 4) in case of tie both(all) plyers loose that territory
- 5) if there is conflicts between 2nd and 1st grade pick the 1st grade pick wins
- 5) if there is conflict between 2nd grade picks all 2nd grade picks loose (tie)
*in situation where there is no base income, players could be alowed to bet from the amount of starting troops from particullar territory - eventually this could be a main auction option or they could be mixed (player can bet from the initial income + starting troops from that territory)
I think that this auction system may give even more entertainment to this game. It is also fair because in case of conflict player will need to pay for it to get that teritorry. And it is also strategis as he will have to estimate how much it is reasonable to pay.
The main disadvantage of this method is that it will require additinal turn, but personally I dont think that it would be a big problem. Eventually it may be an optional feature to use that auction system (unlocked on 60th level?). So now there is only one round of auction with quite good solution for ties (2nd grade picks) and the turn order is based on the on the "who picks faster" rule as it was untill now.