That's not bragging, dude. It's the simple truth. If you want a strong clan, get them involved in the community. Events hosted by Apex, MASTERS, WG, [20] etc are all good places to start.
I tried to get my clan into 1v1, set up a few tourneys etc. Nobody isn't [sic] interested. It seems like we're an FFA clan...!
It takes a lot to motivate people to change. Encourage strat 1v1. Teach it. Study it. Encourage using the ladders. Pull together people who are interested in competition, and work together. Also, you guys should probably boot at least 60 or 70 people from your clan. 90 players is too large to restructure a clan for 1v1 competition. It's not impossible to have a competitive clan of that size, but you need to build the framework for it first, set up the correct leadership model and only then start adding numbers.