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Drawing Adjacent Borders: 2015-04-17 00:57:17

Level 55
I am currently making a semi-large North America map and I have no idea how to draw adjacent borders.

When I try drawing adjacent borders free hand, they end up overlapping.

Any help?
Drawing Adjacent Borders: 2015-04-17 01:04:38

Aura Guardian 
Level 62
If you haven't done so already, click cntl+L, to simplify, then hand-edit it.

This is also another option (scroll down to "making clean map borders"):

Edited 4/17/2015 01:10:32
Drawing Adjacent Borders: 2015-04-17 01:08:56

Level 64
hand editing is tedious but it gives the BEST results
Drawing Adjacent Borders: 2015-04-17 01:11:00

Aura Guardian 
Level 62
Drawing Adjacent Borders: 2015-04-17 01:12:44

Level 64
if you cut them clean, you can preserve the angle
Drawing Adjacent Borders: 2015-04-17 01:22:33

Level 61
Drawing Adjacent Borders: 2015-04-17 16:18:07

҈ * TeeMee123҈ *
Level 55
I dont think warlight uses the brush width values you set on your inkscape file, it just sets it to something like 1.8 (check the wiki, im not sure). If you have a much wider brush it will look as though they are pretty accurate when actually they aren't. If you want to align territory-territory borders well, select the two (or more) territories as a selection (just click one then shift click the other i think), then use the node editor and make sure all the diamonds for the two territories match up. if a border is really detailed and you dont want to draw it twice, you can do some weird path comparision between the two territories (one of which will overalap the accurately drawn one and be really roughly drawn, just so that all the border of the othether territory is covered by that territory). Duplicate the territory with the accurate border (cntrl-D) but DONT MOVE IT! Then while that duplicate is still selected, shift click the territory bordering it, and then go on the 'Path' drop down, then click i think 'difference', it might not be so experiment. To check it has worked, move the well drawn territory aside a bit to check if the accurate border has been copied to the other territory. Move back with undo (cntrl-Z). Hope you find this useful!
Drawing Adjacent Borders: 2015-04-18 01:59:58

Level 64
territories are set to 1.0 width when uploaded to warlight
Drawing Adjacent Borders: 2015-04-18 13:02:37

҈ * TeeMee123҈ *
Level 55
well i wouldnt know cause i never change the value :P
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