This is why we have clans, and a friend list. I think the best course of action would be to change the friends list to create sub-lists where you could play with others who share qualities, whether it be language, culture, religion, politics, or whatever, as you do
You are missing the point here. If I want to play competitive then of course I would choose players who I already know whether it is clan or friend list. I do think this game is in essence strategy-competitive style, not random click and conquer=get points and level up. And there is a flaw in the system, its bigger than just the language problem.
I am not against or discriminative, as I pointed out I do not care if there has multi option for different languages, second how many would really use it anyway? My aim is to eliminate the misunderstanding and lack of communication in team-games, which in this point is based on language. Second yeah, you might get away with google tranlator in multy-day games but real with 2-3 minute Rome map, it will fall short.
I will not even start pointing out the lack of moderation of this game´s community or forum. It seems thus far its slowly dying out. Trolling, playing deliberately against ones team, multi-accounts all are allowed. So it only seems that playing with friends is only option.
Culture, religion, politics - LOL. Is that really important for you when you play with someone?
But the smallest thing here to be done is the advance the friend list as pointed above by Master Ree - because I would like to tag people tolerable to play with and some as real friends. Same applies to the Blacklist. I blacklist people for various reasons, then I hardly can remember who for what? It would help me a lot if the Friend/Blacklist system could have better Tag system. or the Private note - which could be shortly maybe first 50 letters shown on profile, able to add colour tags aside of name so I could know the reason why I blacklisted someone.
To me it makes a different. Like If someone just left without reason, trolling, cant speak co-work as team, etc.