To Americans: 2015-04-18 05:21:47 |
Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
What would you do if a foreign nation (China, Russia, the world,) tried to invade America (please think of every possibility (except nuclear war because that's boring))?
Edited 4/18/2015 05:21:58
To Americans: 2015-04-18 05:26:08 |
The Mad Japanese
Level 51
Drink a Can of Beer, Order Pizza and watch America burn!!!
To Americans: 2015-04-18 17:42:40 |
Level 54
I'm not American, but my mother is. I'd have to say it really depends on which country invades. If it was the Chinese or Russians, we'd get to play the ridiculous conscription/volunteer game. If it was just some small country like mexico, or (riciudlously) my homeland of Canada, I think most people would not really care. At least it would get the damn Americans out of the Middle East
To Americans: 2015-04-18 18:37:33 |
MightySpeck (a Koala)
Level 60
Well. i would suggest to the military that they hire Warlight players as Generals and then have the whole war online. #savelives
To Americans: 2015-04-18 20:24:51 |
Level 56
Genghis is right, but basic infantry tactics *on a small scale*. Encirclements happen all the time, just like they do in Warlight.