This is heterophobic behaviour being displayed by "The Lord", and I disagree with it entirely, however can I just make it clear before I go on to have a short, good-humoured and entertaining argument with the kind gentleman, that I am in no way advocating a curb on his right to free speech in these forums, as supported by Fizzer the Creator and the vast majority of non-trolls on this website. Thanks.
Homosexual and mentally retarded are synonymous in my dictionary, and while the former necessitates the latter, the visa versa is not always proven true.
I call homosexuality, lesbianism, paedophilia and bisexuality as "perverted sexual orientation syndrome". As I have continuously repeated though it rarely gets through, is that I do not blame the individual that has been subjected to the types of torture or lack of socialisation often found in these people's young lives, but those that tell them that all their problems will be solved as long as they allow a man to give them HIV.
>Homosexual is mentally retarded (Seriously) >Homosexuality is caused by torture and being a NEET >All their problems will be solved when they spread HIV
You have a right, but I am just saying that this is not a personal attack against you, neither is it an attack against the transsexual people. It is only against homosexuals, bisexuals, lesbianists and leftist hippies.