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American industrial espionage in Germany: 2015-05-05 20:40:31

Master HFG
Level 55
American industrial espionage in Germany: 2015-05-05 20:42:24

Level 58
Yeah and your government spied on us for the NSA... Bloody Germans, choose your side! ww3 starting soon! (it's always starting with France and Germany ahahah)
American industrial espionage in Germany: 2015-05-05 20:43:24

Level 58

"Several German media outlets allege that Germany's secret service, the BND, helped the NSA spy on France and EU institutions. It comes after claims that Germany tolerated NSA spying on European firms."
American industrial espionage in Germany: 2015-05-05 21:05:12

Level 58

The 'Muricans arent better than the Soviets...
American industrial espionage in Germany: 2015-05-05 21:27:56

Level 41
>Be important leader
>Can't trust any nation anymore
>Need to spy to know if they plan to do anything towards us
American industrial espionage in Germany: 2015-05-05 21:39:19

Level 53
guys, remember what happened the last 2 times the Germans didnt side with the Americans?

American industrial espionage in Germany: 2015-05-05 21:42:47

Level 56
>Uses Greater than symbols
American industrial espionage in Germany: 2015-05-05 22:00:04

Level 58
guys, remember what happened the last 2 times the Germans didnt side with the Americans?

America was neutral most of ww1 and half of ww2... And finally it was not even America which declared war on Germany but Germany who took the initiative, they were cowardly waiting! And we are always in the front line, those puny americans always waited the last moment to finally take the laurels. We cant rely on your help that's for sure, if a ww3 ever happens!
American industrial espionage in Germany: 2015-05-05 22:11:56

Level 56
France can rely on their guns, though.
American industrial espionage in Germany: 2015-05-05 22:14:51

Level 58
We have no guns, guns for civilians are forbidden... But unless the Germans remilitarize their army, this could change then.
American industrial espionage in Germany: 2015-05-05 22:14:54

Level 53
first of all, had the US been neutral in World War 1, Germany would've won
second, it was the Americans who completely took over the Western front of World War 2. The Germans only declared on the US because fucking Japan had to bomb them
American industrial espionage in Germany: 2015-05-05 22:18:28

Level 56
first of all, had the US been neutral in World War 1, Germany would've won
second, it was the Americans who completely took over the Western front of World War 2. The Germans only declared on the US because fucking Japan had to bomb them

Go get 'im, Panda.

Also, Panda, I was talking about American guns.
And forbidding guns...doesn't completely work.

Edited 5/5/2015 22:22:55
American industrial espionage in Germany: 2015-05-05 22:37:40

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
Europe-"stop spying on us!" America-"France is spying on England who is spying on Germany who is spying on Italy" Europe-"that's classified!"
American industrial espionage in Germany: 2015-05-05 22:40:48

Level 41
>Uses Greater than symbols
>Not knowing green text
American industrial espionage in Germany: 2015-05-05 22:42:07

Level 56
>It's not green.
American industrial espionage in Germany: 2015-05-05 22:42:10

Master HFG
Level 55
@Angry Panda

What are you talking about? The Germans got spied themsselfes by the Americans, even more than any other European country. The BND helped the NSA cause the FRG is only a vassal of the United States, but if you say that publicly in Germany you will be threat as anti-American, far-right person.

You also talked about the conflicts between France and Germany, which would have caused both World Wars. I don't think that this relationship caused the WWs, but it definitely exacerbated them, especially WW1.

By the way, Germany did not initiated the massive spying, and your assertion that this affair would be a sign of a possible resurgence of the french-german hostility is insulting.
Also i don't think that remilitarizing our army is possible. Did you heard of the G36 troubles? Our army gained a really, really bad reputation during the last years, at least in our own country.


Forbidding guns works good in Europe, at least in France and Germany (excluding Bavaria) ad
definitely better than in the USA.

Edited 5/6/2015 12:25:50
American industrial espionage in Germany: 2015-05-05 22:46:13

Level 56
Excluding Bayern...
And excluding Marseilles, as well, I assume?

I read a statistic - more than half the guns owned in France are illegally gotten.

Edited 5/5/2015 22:46:46
American industrial espionage in Germany: 2015-05-05 22:53:25

Level 53
i also read a statistic - Apple is worth more than the GDP of Russia
American industrial espionage in Germany: 2015-05-05 22:55:06

Level 58
first of all, had the US been neutral in World War 1, Germany would've won

No, with or without America we would have won anyway, it would have taken certainly more time for the French and the British to finish this war. But the western front has never been broken, in the latter days of ww1, only one time the Germans advanced during the Chemin des dames offensive in 1917, but after the second battle of the Marne, a counter attack of the French initiated in Villers Cotterêts devastated the German forces, and this marked almost the end of the war for the Germans, their Austrian allies already surrendered, and revolts began in Germany against the Kaiser.

second, it was the Americans who completely took over the Western front of World War 2. The Germans only declared on the US because fucking Japan had to bomb them

No most of the German generals were against the declaration of war, Hitler was an idiot, if the western front was successful it's only because the Germans wasted all their armies in the Russian front. So you should thank the Russians and Hitler's dumbness.
American industrial espionage in Germany: 2015-05-05 22:59:45

Level 56
I also read a statistic - America would be crushed in a war with Russia and if the Cold War ever went hot (after 1949).

Statistic: Watermelon is bigger GDP than America.

Edited 5/5/2015 23:00:13
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