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Cities of the United States - Need testers.: 2015-05-10 18:22:18

Ξ Nanaimo
Level 56
Kansas City is in Missouri
Cities of the United States - Need testers.: 2015-05-10 18:55:03

Level 60
Take a look at this map.


A map with a similar concept. Feels relevant for this thread.
Cities of the United States - Need testers.: 2015-05-17 01:09:58

Level 48
Don't reinvent the wheel: -snip-

Ah, that's a much better way of representing the mechanic. Thanks.

Kansas City is in Missouri

I'll fix that, thanks!

Take a look at this map.


A map with a similar concept. Feels relevant for this thread.

That map is much more focused on the roadways between the cities, while this map is designed with the US cities in mind.
Cities of the United States - Need testers.: 2015-05-17 02:38:25

Level 56
Yeah, maybe picking up a road map at a local gas station would help. I bought one for like ten dollars. Anyway, it showed details like how long a distance between X and Y would be 3.5 hours Or X and Y would be 2 hours. Would also cover mileage. We used this map to drive from Minnesota to florida. I was usually the most accurate based on my map. Anyway, There should be more connecting roads using the major interstate highways and smaller highways between cities. i just noticed one but I'll point it out in my own drawing.

I just highlighted my own personal changes in red.

P.S. I think I made a mistake on the connecting city in Wisconsin.

Edited 5/17/2015 02:42:20
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