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I'd vote for Bernie Sanders: 2015-05-15 03:38:56

The Mad Japanese
Level 51
I'd vote for Bernie Sanders

I'd vote for Bernie Sanders: 2015-05-15 14:00:17

Level 59
I'm supporting him, Minnesotans have a wide Independent streak and a lot of people are unhappy with the Dems and Republicans here. I think he has a good chance of winning the primary (and therefor the election), but considering how outspent his campaign will be it will be an uphill battle.

The only think about his record that troubles me is his record of supporting infringement of 2nd amendment rights, and in that respect he's still better than most possible Democratic candidates. Gay marriage, legal marijuana, free healthcare, and assault rifles for everyone!
I'd vote for Bernie Sanders: 2015-05-15 14:23:47

Level 41
Gay marriage, legal marijuana, free healthcare, and assault rifles for everyone!
I can't honestly tell what you're so butthurt about.

Gay marriage is only adding freedom, not taking any away.

Free healthcare is a good thing, it'll just take a long time to implement correctly. Think of your grandchildren, not you.

Legal marijuana helps out the government a lot, due to high taxing on the plant. It'll also help with crime. Would you honestly want prisons filled with cannabis users instead of murderers and rapists?

And the gun thing, really? No one wants assault rifles in the public. That's just fucking terrifying.
I'd vote for Bernie Sanders: 2015-05-15 15:03:21

Level 59
I think you misunderstood me, Lawlz. I'm a big proponent of all of those things.

This isn't the proper thread for a gun rights debate, but for the record none of my guns have ever gotten up, walked out of their safe, loaded themselves, and murdered someone. Do you think maybe they're defective?
I'd vote for Bernie Sanders: 2015-05-15 15:08:15

Level 41
No, but having an assault rifle is overkill. Might as well have rocket launches and machine guns legalized as well.

As for murdering, Thats a mental health issue, something the general public seems to have an issue grasping.

A pistol, hunting rifle, and/or shotgun will do just fine for home defense, personal defense, or hunting. There isn't a need for anything bigger.

This is all coming from a gun activist btw
I'd vote for Bernie Sanders: 2015-05-15 16:50:53

Level 56
Might as well have rocket launches and machine guns legalized as well.

In America, it's legal to own atomic bombs.

Edited 5/15/2015 16:51:01
I'd vote for Bernie Sanders: 2015-05-15 17:02:03

Level 41
Citation needed. Bomb making is explicitly illegal, so I doubt having anything other than a decommissioned atomic bomb in a museum is a load of crap.
I'd vote for Bernie Sanders: 2015-05-15 17:39:19

Level 59
Let's focus on Bernie "The Voracious Vermonter" Sanders. How can he win the Dem. nomination? Who should he choose as his running mate? How can he compete with Clinton's corporate cash?
I'd vote for Bernie Sanders: 2015-05-15 20:39:10

Level 59
i will vote for bernie sanders but sadly, he has no chance in hell. he will get labeled a socialist and it won't matter how much money he spends, people will be afraid of him. plus he would have to sell his soul and abandon the core of his ideals in order to win an election, and more so run a functioning government. sorry patriots, i think our country sux...
I'd vote for Bernie Sanders: 2015-05-15 21:25:51

Level 61
He can't beat Hilary, but he can push the conversation where it needs to go, much like Ron Paul has done in the past for GOP. You need someone who does not toe the line to have a healthy debate.
I'd vote for Bernie Sanders: 2015-05-15 23:34:20

Level 53
idk why anyone would elect a self-proclaimed socialist given some examples of self-proclaimed socialists in recent history.

Edited 5/15/2015 23:39:59
I'd vote for Bernie Sanders: 2015-05-16 05:06:41

[Falcon]The Polish Purple Bunny 
Level 55
But Lawz,I thought you were gay.... Liking Girls even though you ARE one.
I'd vote for Bernie Sanders: 2015-05-16 05:20:54

Thomas 633
Level 56
id vote... but im not voting age.
I'd vote for Bernie Sanders: 2015-05-16 07:45:18

An abandoned account
Level 56
Someone who's centre-left in America? That's a rare phenomenon.
I'd vote for Bernie Sanders: 2015-05-16 07:52:53

Level 54
McCarthyism does wonders when you want to further right wing agenda.

I think we could use more moderate politicians.
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