OS: Windows Vista, Browser: Firefox (most up-to-date version).
I clicked on cards, immediately after the turn advanced. A second later, I had the "Whoos, an error occurred" message.
completeHandler Pala::TypeError TypeError (1006): Error #1006
at warlight\shared\messages\MessageHandler.as:WriteExtrasDown()
at warlight\shared\MessagePump.as:StartReply()
at warlight\shared\MessagePump.as:BuildErrorReply()
at warlight\shared\messages\Message.as:()
at warlight\shared\MessagePump.as:OnReceiveMessage()
at shared\Messaging.as:completeHandler()
at shared\HttpRequest.as:completeHandler()
Edit: this happened on
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=8832379, while making turn 14 orders.
Edit #2: this just happened when I tried to view history on
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=8834850, while on turn 7.
I'm also getting loads of "WarLight is under heavy load" messages, even while trying to submit edits I've been making to the post.
Edited 6/6/2015 08:59:02