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Non-Religious Countries fare better: 2015-06-21 10:03:53

The Mad Japanese
Level 51
Non-Religious Countries fare better than Religious Countries

For example, Scandinavia, Far East and several other Non-Religious Countries scored better in Wealth, Human Development and Technology. In US, New England fared better than Mississippi, Missouri and several other Very Religious States
Non-Religious Countries fare better: 2015-06-21 11:30:01

Level 59
How about birth rates, depression, suicide rate and family status?

Non-Religious Countries fare better: 2015-06-21 12:08:15

Level 58
It's not quite accurate, rich countries and educated countries usually causing people to be irreligious
Non-Religious Countries fare better: 2015-06-21 18:02:51

Level 56
I actually did a study on this.

For living standards, irreligion wins by far.

For progression and power, Christianity wins.
Non-Religious Countries fare better: 2015-06-21 19:27:21

[Wolf] Relmcheatham
Level 56
christianity is a good thing...
Non-Religious Countries fare better: 2015-06-21 20:00:57

Darth Darth Binks
Level 56
It's definitely not a bad thing. It's what people do with it that sucks.

Edited 6/21/2015 20:01:22
Non-Religious Countries fare better: 2015-06-21 21:34:01

Level 57
For example, Scandinavia, Far East and several other Non-Religious Countries scored better in Wealth, Human Development and Technology.

Scandinavia's success is mostly credit to their Socialist(ish) economic policies. I'm not sure what you mean by Far East, but I assume China and Japan. Japan still has a decent amount of religious followers, meanwhile China has a history of being abusive towards religion and human rights in general so there's not much to be proud of in that.

In US, New England fared better than Mississippi, Missouri and several other Very Religious States

I'm afraid I don't see how religion factors in this comparison. The New England states are far more industrialized than states like Missouri and Mississippi who are more agriculture based. All throughout history industry has lead to greater wealth than agriculture.
Non-Religious Countries fare better: 2015-06-21 21:49:54

Level 60
correlation does not imply causation
Non-Religious Countries fare better: 2015-06-21 23:33:08

Level 56

Power by religion (This is quite rough, I did this only by analysing the top 10 most powerful countries, I could grow it if there is want for it). China made up the humongous irreligion number, but it could not compare to America and Brazil combined. India obviously makes most of the Hindu numbers, if grown, I think this graph would have a less Hindu pie slice.

Edited 6/21/2015 23:35:11
Non-Religious Countries fare better: 2015-06-22 00:14:18

Level 56

Living standards by religion. Netherlands made up the biggest irreligous count, but surprisingly, these North Europe countries are very Christian. Also, Bahrain has a pretty big Jewish population (0.6%).
Non-Religious Countries fare better: 2015-06-22 00:33:21

Level 54
Non-Religious Countries fare better: 2015-06-22 00:34:33

Level 56
Growth by religion. These are mostly African countries, that have the most room for improvement, and it's pretty much black and white Christianity and Islam (although Eritrea was pretty mixed).

Non-Religious Countries fare better: 2015-06-22 00:38:11

Level 54
Xy's charts are pretty agreeable. Christianity and Islam are the only religions that are on the up and up.
Non-Religious Countries fare better: 2015-06-22 02:58:57

Level 51
OP is atheist making silly atheist claims
Non-Religious Countries fare better: 2015-06-22 05:51:37

Level 59
Where did you took religion metadata. For example the % of people being religious in different countries? Development data is one way street from UN data I believe?
Although I would second what Hennes said about correlations and causation. Yet there can be some factors between religion and economic wellbeing in historical sense. Christianity is a bit broad umbrella. Northern European countries are lutheran countries, meaning that religion is private matter and not state business. Second the removal of economy from religion hands. - Might be one of the cause of early faster development in Northern areas. Then Huguenot´s in Western-Europe who were largely forced to emigrate to beyond-sea territories - their core belief was economy - "the richer you are, the better place in heaven is granted" or something like that: hard work ethics that described them.

To contrast the these two to southern catholic church world then there is quite a big difference in modern historical-religious regions among christian world. But it might be to far-fetched hypothesis. It could be same as to say that middle latitute (temperate zone) is the richest and the true cause lies there.

There are rather many variables that determine countries development level. Religion is one of them. For example belief shapes ones personal decisions in life. For example satisfactions in current conditions or ambition to improve. Or even to supress economic activity by forbidding it.
Non-Religious Countries fare better: 2015-06-22 05:54:13

[Wolf] Relmcheatham
Level 56
i feel like this is going to divulge into religion VS Atheism....and when it does i will be verbally bitch slapping the opposition XD
Non-Religious Countries fare better: 2015-06-22 06:18:25

Level 56
Where did you took religion metadata. For example the % of people being religious in different countries? Development data is one way street from UN data I believe?

I forgot the exact name of it, I think it was Pew Table or something?

Although I would second what Hennes said about correlations and causation. Yet there can be some factors between religion and economic wellbeing in historical sense. Christianity is a bit broad umbrella. Northern European countries are lutheran countries, meaning that religion is private matter and not state business. Second the removal of economy from religion hands. - Might be one of the cause of early faster development in Northern areas. Then Huguenot´s in Western-Europe who were largely forced to emigrate to beyond-sea territories - their core belief was economy - "the richer you are, the better place in heaven is granted" or something like that: hard work ethics that described them.

Yes, I'm just rebutting this person saying that "the countries that have good living standards are atheist". Also, I realise this, but it's harder to get data here, some are undenominably Christian, and you'd have to do the same for Islam as well. Shia and Sunni have major differences, possibly more than Protestantism and Catholicicism. Rest of what you are saying is absolutely right.
Non-Religious Countries fare better: 2015-06-22 16:50:54

Master Jz 
Level 62
Aside from countries that have people doing violent things in the name of religion, I doubt religion (or lack thereof) has much to do with it. Major factors are a country's history, culture, natural resources, good management of those resources, laws that don't stifle innovation, and the ability to stay out of costly wars.
Non-Religious Countries fare better: 2015-06-22 17:03:57

Level 56
Religion is often deeply entrenched with history. Most Shi'a are descended from the 1501 converters; I was met a Greek nationalist who thought Macedonia (country) and Istanbul(do not call it Istanbul; it is Constantinople or Byzantium) should go to Greece. A Greek Orthodox, as you can guess. Laws that stifle innovation and warmongering countries can also be very religion-based - look at Arabia and the Levant.
Non-Religious Countries fare better: 2015-06-22 20:09:59

Level 60
correlation does not imply causation

Aside from countries that have people doing violent things in the name of religion, I doubt religion (or lack thereof) has much to do with it. Major factors are a country's history, culture, natural resources, good management of those resources, laws that don't stifle innovation, and the ability to stay out of costly wars.

I'm afraid I don't see how religion factors in this comparison. The New England states are far more industrialized than states like Missouri and Mississippi who are more agriculture based. All throughout history industry has lead to greater wealth than agriculture.

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