Where did you took religion metadata. For example the % of people being religious in different countries? Development data is one way street from UN data I believe?
I forgot the exact name of it, I think it was Pew Table or something?
Although I would second what Hennes said about correlations and causation. Yet there can be some factors between religion and economic wellbeing in historical sense. Christianity is a bit broad umbrella. Northern European countries are lutheran countries, meaning that religion is private matter and not state business. Second the removal of economy from religion hands. - Might be one of the cause of early faster development in Northern areas. Then Huguenot´s in Western-Europe who were largely forced to emigrate to beyond-sea territories - their core belief was economy - "the richer you are, the better place in heaven is granted" or something like that: hard work ethics that described them.
Yes, I'm just rebutting this person saying that "the countries that have good living standards are atheist". Also, I realise this, but it's harder to get data here, some are undenominably Christian, and you'd have to do the same for Islam as well. Shia and Sunni have major differences, possibly more than Protestantism and Catholicicism. Rest of what you are saying is absolutely right.