I really like this map.
Some of the connections are a little off, such as Jupiter 20 to 8 is missing, so that needs rechecking.
Also the only real gripe with this map is probably just that it's too linear. I know that's probably part of the idea, but if someone is say, really strong in the sun, then noboby really past Jupiter can do anything about it, and if Jupiter is too weak, it's gg Sun.
Anyway, you get the idea. So maybe either offset the planets, so they are not linear, and have more connections, or add things to the top and bottom of the map to add more ways to get around.
Adding more asteroids in, and maybe the Kuiper belt would help with that. The Kuiper belt, could help the Pluto end a lot too (Along with that Pluto is now known to have at least 5 moons, maybe more, we'll know in about 3 weeks when the Dawn Spacecraft arrives)
Something like this:
Hope this helps, I love this map, would be nice to see it get the love it needs :) If you want any further ideas etc then PM me if you want, I'm a scientist, so I can help with the accuracy and ideas for new stuff.
Maybe adding in famous satalite paths could help with connections from Earth to the outerplanets. Dawn, the Voyagers, stuff like that? A more simpler version of this:
http://www.chartgeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/space-exploration-chart.jpgJust some ideas, thanks for making the map :)
Edited 6/23/2015 23:35:28