It's currently 12:00 P.M, my time. Now that I've got this live-streamed channel up and running, I'm ready to have some fun with it! I'd like to set up a RT, Guiroma 2v2 game with me broadcasting as we go along. I'll obviously need two opponents, and maybe a teammate (but I can play on my own, paired with an alt if necessary). Let's shoot for 5:00 P.M today--again, my time. US East Coast. Let me know in the comments below if you'd be willing to play with/against me; I expect you to not be watching the broadcast until after, if you're an opponent. ;P
I'm not yet sure how well my computer can handle broadcasting + Skype + Warlight real-time, but it might be worth looking into, if I find a teammate. Then we'd both be analyzing, live. Just food for thought, there.
Once this starts you can watch it here,