I wrote some new code that pulled all ladder players' ranks by day to be used for better filtering of games.
Here's a quick table showing how players ranked in the top 100 have fared against each other, divided into sets of 10.
From the first table, for example, you can see that players in the top 10 have won 79.3% of games versus players ranked 41-50.
This is all 1v1 ladder games between top 100 players (rank at time of game), about 42,000 games.
Winning Percentage:
1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90 91-100
1-10 50.0 60.7 69.6 76.3 79.3 78.0 76.5 75.9 81.9 82.2
11-20 39.3 50.0 58.2 66.2 74.2 73.4 76.0 76.6 78.4 86.1
21-30 30.4 41.8 50.0 57.8 64.4 69.9 67.0 72.2 73.4 80.4
31-40 23.7 33.8 42.2 50.0 58.4 64.5 69.0 68.8 72.9 72.1
41-50 20.7 25.8 35.6 41.6 50.0 58.0 62.7 67.5 71.2 68.7
51-60 22.0 26.6 30.1 35.5 42.0 50.0 57.8 59.9 64.7 69.7
61-70 23.5 24.0 33.0 31.0 37.3 42.2 50.0 55.8 60.0 70.7
71-80 24.1 23.4 27.8 31.2 32.5 40.1 44.2 50.0 59.1 61.8
81-90 18.1 21.6 26.6 27.1 28.8 35.3 40.0 40.9 50.0 56.5
91-100 17.8 13.9 19.6 27.9 31.3 30.3 29.3 38.2 43.5 50.0
Actual Wins:
0-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90 91-100
1-10 853 1065 1038 922 526 301 202 82 68 37
11-20 690 797 991 962 789 431 301 203 109 62
21-30 454 713 697 845 844 675 410 306 218 119
31-40 286 491 618 714 887 896 664 405 285 215
41-50 137 274 466 633 690 838 731 585 390 257
51-60 85 156 290 493 608 717 758 625 525 364
61-70 62 95 202 299 434 554 657 612 537 548
71-80 26 62 118 184 282 419 484 517 560 564
81-90 15 30 79 106 158 287 358 387 523 558
91-100 8 10 29 83 117 158 227 349 430 512