Agree with Ben, although I don't think most elite/exclusive clans would go for you just yet.
That said, if you're ever looking at CORP, I suggest you check out Scorpio dojo. We have a good number of players who enjoy 2v2's and 3v3's who would also appreciate us getting even more players like them (hence my compulsion to advertise here).
Here's what you'll stand to gain if you join CORP/Scorpio:
- we operate an internal ladder system for 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3 games- the CSL: we also operate a template-based king-of-the-hill league where you can prove your superiority on any strategic template- the CCL, still in its infancy: we operate monthly 1v1 and 2v2 tournaments on rotating strategic templates
- we play interclan strategic games (right now, we have a few 2v2's and 3v3's with FBG and a 5v5 with The Lost Wolves)
- we'll be competing in Clan League 7 (our first time) and are going into overdrive with practice
Basically, we're a group of people within CORP who're very invested in improving ourselves as strategic players and so far our efforts have led to some very demonstrable gains.
If you're interested, feel free to set up a 1v1 against me on any template you personally enjoy or consider strategic. Or a 2v2/3v3/FFA/etc. I just like having a good idea of how people play before I invite them to CORP.
To summarize: Scorpio doesn't consist of the best strategic players in the game, but it tries its hardest to provide the best strategic experience.
Edited 7/4/2015 21:42:23