Review by
Nathan on 9/4/2013.
I like it - particularly the shape of the NE Balochistani territories. Their shapes make for very interesting gameplay and quick movement of armies from hinterlands.
My only real criticism is that the superbonuses need to be balanced - and probably reduced somewhat. I recommend a superbonus ratio of no more than 1 army for every 2-3 territories in the superbonus.
Response by map creator
CROivan on 9/4/2013
Thank you.
I didn't actually make any test games, so I didn't know how to value those superbonuses. In next version I might reduce bonus armies for Balochistan and Sindh. Punjab will still be worth at least 20 armies, because Punjab in real life is most populated and it is in center of game, so it is hard to defend it. Khyber Pantunkhwa will be at least 10 armies worth because it is very long, so there are many territories that Khyber Pantunkhwa can be attacked from.
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