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Bingo Card

Created by Dr. Stupid (all)
Went public on 3/27/2014
Number of ratings: 37
Average rating: 2.8108 / 5
50 territories, 37 bonuses, 5 distribution modes


This is the first Warlight map I intend to take public. I realize it's pretty basic, but a fella's gotta start somewhere. Thank you for being kind!


Review by NinjaNic on 4/3/2014.
Not bad for a first map! Can't wait to see more!
Response by map creator Dr. Stupid on 4/3/2014
Thanks for taking the time to review it. Your advice was a huge help during its creation!
2 out of 3 people found this review helpful.
Review by Gincompetent on 5/12/2023.
Creative and I like how the bonuses build upon themselves
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.