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electoral college

Unlocks at level 16 or with the Mega Maps Pack
#Real World  
Created by lonely star (all)
Went public on 8/9/2017
Number of ratings: 72
Average rating: 3.8888 / 5
538 territories, 187 bonuses, 8 distribution modes


A mapping of the United States' 538 electors in the electoral college following the 2010 Census.

★ One territory represents one electoral vote
★ Smaller territories may be enlarged for practical reasons


Review by Xtremeone23 on 8/12/2017.
I love this map. I'm so gonna use it. The one problem, in my opinion, is that for each state they should get a number of bonus armies equal to their electoral college votes. (Eg. North Carolina has 12 and should have 15)
Response by map creator lonely star on 9/1/2017
Thanks, I've changed the state superbonuses so the total bonus armies for each state is equal to its number of votes now
7 out of 7 people found this review helpful.
Review by Nathan on 8/10/2017.
Love the map, but it would be even cooler if there were exactly 538 bonus armies to be had.
5 out of 5 people found this review helpful.
Review by SiVisPacemParaBellum on 8/31/2017.
A few linking issues I've spotted so far:
- In Hawaii, Kauai shows a dashed line to Santa Cruz in California but there is no connection.
- In the Washington State area, Olympic Peninsula has a large border with Yakima but they are not connected.

Otherwise, a great map!
Response by map creator lonely star on 8/31/2017
Ah thanks, but I'd already just fixed those (and some others) in v1.2
2 out of 2 people found this review helpful.
Review by NinjaNic on 8/9/2017.
Beautiful map!
Response by map creator lonely star on 8/10/2017
Thanks :) your YouTube tutorial really helped me haha
1 out of 1 person found this review helpful.
Review by i am not me on 6/26/2018.
alright so the reason why I like this map so much is because the rest of the USA maps either have too little parts, or way too many. this map, however, has over 300 and less than 2500, so that makes it quicker to do, also the electoral college thing is kind of similar to a population density thing, and I REALLY like those because you can see cities and sh!t! byeeeeeeeeeee
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by Mr. Prezz22 on 9/11/2019.
Very big map for 2v2, you can expect 10 mins per turn once you have a sizeable income.
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by sualkxela on 11/2/2020.
This is just dumb, waste of time. If this was meant to be a political statement, it backfired.
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by MurderHobo on 11/4/2020.
Dumber than the existance of the electoral college.
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by Aaron on 1/31/2024.
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.