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Another World

Unlocks at level 2 or with the Mega Maps Pack
Created by (deleted) (all)
Went public on 5/21/2020
Number of ratings: 27
Average rating: 3.4814 / 5
158 territories, 53 bonuses, 2 distribution modes


"Another World" is my first map, basically a strategic map I bring to the table. I'm a fan of bonuses. I'm a fan of large maps. I'm competitive at heart. So as a first map I threw all three of these attributes together and kind of got carried away with bonuses and made it a largish-small map for competitive players. "Another World" a good, competitive map as well as a map just for having fun on with friends and improving one's skills.

"Another World" started out as a half-land, half-ocean with islands then I added on a large island on the left-half of the map and a few more islands to go with it to increase the size for more players and to offer more art of planning and movement in war and battle. My main goal was to add complexity for an effort to win campaign; a basis for survival or surrender.

I'd like to give credit to NinjaNic for his enlightening tutorial and also I'd like to give some credit to the the map testers who wouldn't have made this map nearly as good as it turned out. Thanks.


Review by pitulnik on 7/19/2020.
Good first map, fine graphics. The distribution mode 1vs 1 seems broken to me. It needs to have 1vs1(A) and 1vs1(B)
Response by map creator (deleted) on 12/31/2020
Thanks, I'll look into it.

Hey, just fixed the distribution.
1 out of 1 person found this review helpful.
Review by leroy the death bringer on 1/4/2022.
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.