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Europe with air sovereignty (West)

Unlocks at level 48 or with the Mega Maps Pack
#Real World  #Diplomacy  #Europe  
Created by illik (all)
Went public on 8/15/2022
Number of ratings: 15
Average rating: 4.0 / 5
1546 territories, 773 bonuses, 18 distribution modes


This is my second map.
It contains a part of Western Europe with air sovereignty and sea connections. Due to high file size only the western area is available. If one day there will be an update for larger maps, I will add more states in a new map.

Thanks to the air connections and air defenses the map should be good for diplomacy games.

The map was inspired by "Europe: Physical Map", "Seven Years' War" and "Bangladesh".

Special thanks to multey and Santa for their guidance and help through all development steps of this map.


Review by The_New_Kaiser on 2/9/2023.
pretty fun map with cities connected makes it feel more modern
3 out of 3 people found this review helpful.