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World Diplomacy 1936

#Real World  #World  #WW2  
Created by Testing (all)
Went public on 6/26/2023
Number of ratings: 23
Average rating: 3.6086 / 5
1117 territories, 632 bonuses, 3 distribution modes


This map is mostly based from the states of Hearts of Iron IV (HOI4). Certain regions are not included for strategic purposes as well as to respect HOI4's impassable areas.

The bonuses of this map are based on data from HOI4. Here’s how:

Make a sum of factories from the factories and naval dockyards in a territory

Assume that to produce 1 army, you need 2 factories (to make the arms needed to equip an American infantry division)

Assume that the max armies a territory can produce can be calculated by multiplying the total population of the territory by 0.05 and dividing by 15,000 (accounting for conscription limitations)

Limit the factory bonus by the population bonus cap

Sum together all resources adjusted by infrastructure in each territory (accounting for the necessity of resources for arms or movement)

Give 1 bonus for having more than 5 resources, and 2 for more than 100 resources

Add the factory bonus with the resource bonus


Review by {Canidae} Kretoma on 7/21/2023.
Honestly an awesome map!

I hope diplo hosts will use it in the future.
3 out of 4 people found this review helpful.
Review by Lieutenant Lemur on 9/3/2023.
Very confusing income format
Response by map creator Testing on 10/25/2023
Unfortunately, there are many areas (Baltics, Portugal, Yugoslavia, Alps, etc.) on the map where there simply isn't enough space for bonuses to be placed, which is why I went with the 2nd map in the right corner. I would've placed bonuses on that map, but at the time when I created this, there just wasn't enough space in the file to fit them in (I was way over the bit limit that Warzone has).
1 out of 1 person found this review helpful.
Review by Ammaren on 2/8/2024.
Probably the best map for WW2 scenarios there is
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by poorlydrawnaqua on 9/27/2024.
hoi4 is love hoi4 is life
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.