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Colonial Africa

Unlocks at level 37 or with the Mega Maps Pack
#Real World  #Diplomacy  
Created by Crossout (all)
Went public on 5/8/2023
Number of ratings: 26
Average rating: 3.0769 / 5
206 territories, 66 bonuses, 5 distribution modes



Review by Unknown Account on 5/20/2023.
Not a very great map in my opinion. The bonuses are fairly random in both size and value and the map is heavily skewed towards some parts. The negative bonuses in Sahara are typically easy to circumvent by either simply not taking it all, blockading territories or giving some to a teammate.

The map has a bit of a saving grace however in the sea travel system with gives one a good choice between less income, but better hiding from enemies and faster expansion and keeping income while growing more slowly. The time setting is also interesting, though names of some provinces (e.g 'Even more south of cairo') can be seen as offensive by some. The custom distributions also give fun strategy nuances and improve the quality a bit.

Overall a very much here-and there map, with great potential however and worth playing occasionally. Keep mapmaking and improving yourself!
Response by map creator Crossout on 5/23/2023
Hello, Unknown Account!
I have read your review on the map and would like to address a couple of concerns;1) You are correct in stating that some province names could be considered offensive. The Map is almost entirely based on Portuguese, Spanish, English, and French maps of the continent at the time. I decided to opt for a "colonialist" standpoint in this map to reflect the flagrant disregard for local cultures
On your point of It being heavily skewed towards some areas-yes, such was my intention. To put strong regional bonuses with less strong bonuses-or negative ones-between these centers of power.
Finally, the Sahara was also intentionally designed in the way that it was shown on the map. The bonuses there were placed to be strategic, ultimately-E.G, if an enemy grabs hold of the 1-2 provinces that you have not conquered, It will give them a springboard to launch an attack, and will make a counter more costly. Thanks for your review, as I appreciate the feedback. - Crossout.
4 out of 4 people found this review helpful.
Review by PJABBER on 5/21/2023.
Interesting plays but not especially hard to beat so long as you can bypass the negative bonusing till the end of the match.
1 out of 1 person found this review helpful.
Review by fUNDEVOGEL on 5/11/2023.
Very interesting map, with negative bonuses corresponding to deserts. Well done.
1 out of 2 people found this review helpful.
Review by The_New_Kaiser on 10/15/2023.
The map borders doesn't make any sense
0 out of 1 person found this review helpful.
Review by Ammaren on 2/14/2024.
Good effort, but not the best outcome. Don't be discouraged, keep mapping and you'll improve with every project.
0 out of 1 person found this review helpful.