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I.S. Continuum II - A Collision of Worlds

Unlocks at level 12 or with the Mega Maps Pack
#Fictional  #Fantasy  
Created by Coen&BladerLLC (all)
Went public on 10/2/2024
Number of ratings: 22
Average rating: 4.3636 / 5
3439 territories, 1024 bonuses, 3 distribution modes


This setting may be thought as being part of the book series "Riverworld" by P. J. Farmer, where all the dead people in history find themselves brought back to life on a new huge planet.

The story of this Continuum is not dissimilar: there was a world filled with nations, gods and mythological creatures that suddenly "woke up" on a strange new planet, where the boundaries between life and death, myth and reality, magic and dreams are not defined as neatly as they would expect.

We want to express our gratitude to Yamada Sergata, Phoenix, rfhstrong, Dark Matter, Pisces, athles, Giamblico, Bomber the Undying, Ivan97, John and Rodrigo from the Hawks, JesJug, Ante Krist, Murk, Mgreedy, Shinigami Knight, Koen27 for their contribution to this project and another thanks to the Immersive System and the Warzone Mapmakers communities for their help and support.

We are two authors in one: N.W. Blader (continent shapes, tectonics, patience and supervision) and Coenquistatore (the low grunt Inkscaping).

Have fun!!!


Review by Coenquistatore on 10/2/2024.
I want to use this review to lengthen the description of the map and add some explanations:
- Every port connects to ALL the sea tiles it borders, not only the one the port icon directs to;
- The landmasses is divided into geographical regions (stars giving 9 income) and provinces (hexagons giving 6 income) and political entities (pentagons giving 5 income);
- the geographical division is complete (meaning almost every tile is part of a region and a province), while the political one is Not (some tiles have no political affiliation);
- The value of these three kinds of bonuses has been chosen to be easily found in the scenario settings (just search for 5s, 6s or 9s);
- The Bonus Values have all been calculated with the standard N°of territories/2 (rounded down);
- This map is Local-Deployment-Friendly! A scenario maker who wants to keep the resource system must simply move the value of the bonuses that have a resource in them from their normal designation to the one with "(w/o res.)";
Response by map creator Coen&BladerLLC on 10/3/2024
The map herself represents a sort of fusion between different worlds or different planes of existence: it might have unintuitive connections, odd places alongside quite familiar ones.

This is due to the genesis of the project itself: the map was conceived as incorporating the roleplay of different players from a Legacy type game under the Immersive System rules; at the beginning, the translation from the original map (The World of Noliterre) to this one was planned to be smooth (the objective was to just make our lands more realistic, geographically), then it began to grow, both in size and ambition...

Many of those who contributed left Warzone though, their roleplays (lost forever) to be substituted. Coen led a furious study of almost 40 culturally different mythologies from around the world. Leading to this "collision" of myth, magic and imagination from many a-place and many a-soul.

We really hope you'll enjoy it. And fight trying.
12 out of 12 people found this review helpful.
Review by Njugu on 10/10/2024.
4 stars only because there are a couple of missing sea-land connections. The fact that you HAVE to take sea tiles But they don't give any income makes gameplay a bit different than most other maps. Of course, it doesn't help that I'm a completionist - lol.
Response by map creator Coen&BladerLLC on 10/11/2024
Thanks for the review!
The map has been updated multiple times since release, so i think all the connections should have been properly corrected.
If not, we are still rummaging through it looking for mistakes and glitches daily.
Sadly, 3500 territories imply more than ten thousand connections, so it's symptomatic that a few might get missed in the first release.
6 out of 6 people found this review helpful.
Review by Pharos on 10/11/2024.
I love large maps. This one doesn't disappoint. There are a few missing connections but I really like the way the marine territories fit into the game play.
5 out of 5 people found this review helpful.
Review by Qualon on 12/11/2024.
Great map! I have enjoyed playing this, especially like the bonuses not being too large. The sea spaces make for a different play-through as no bonuses for them. Here are the connections that need to be fixed/reviewed.

Academy of the Cloud Singers - Shu Conscription Office
Cave of Xolotl - Metztli, City of the Moon
Flow of Skuld, Norn of the Future - Meander of Verdandi, Norn of the Present
Gardenia Field of Sorrows - Trade City of Aloe
Gulf of Banjamarsin - The Crimson Volcano
Hamlet of the Yellow Millet Dream - Lair of the Jiaolong Dragon
Hulao Pass - Mount Kunlun (zoom in, they touch at the NW corner)
Kambu - Savi
Kuben Lake - Kyuquot
Lake Skolex, home of the horrible Indus worm - Teumes Alopex
Manling Auxilaries’ Camp - The Westgate of Belegost
Okami Reef - Uke-Mochi’s Spit
Port Cai - Shiv Access Road
Sea of Broken Pledges - Sea of Cor’nathor
Semantron Bay - Upir
Shu Conscription Office - Zangke Coast
Tel of Ba’al Hadad - Tel Shamra
Response by map creator Coen&BladerLLC on 12/11/2024

Thank you so much!!! I've fixed them all (hopefully noone else comes up - I sometimes wonder if the editor removes one every time I add another, just to torment me!!)

Great to know small bonuses are appreciated, I was convinced it was a mistake (an i was making them bigger in my next map)!
2 out of 2 people found this review helpful.