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Abyssal x Odyssey

Unlocks at level 7 or with the Mega Maps Pack
Created by Shinigami Knight (all)
Went public on 4/2/2024
Number of ratings: 13
Average rating: 3.3846 / 5
561 territories, 712 bonuses, 2 distribution modes


"Why join the navy if you can be a pirate"?

As always, I like to put a unique twist on familiar concepts. This time, I've merged two different bonus systems, all while celebrating the maritime theme, which sadly doesn't get enough attention.

A huge shoutout goes to the WZ Discord community for their invaluable technical insights and endless inspiration. And a special thanks to @Coenquistatore for their exceptional contributions.

"Arrr, me hearties! Climb aboard the vessel and hoist the sails high!"


Review by Coenquistatore on 5/28/2024.
I shouldn't probably be considered a reliable source as I had the luck of seeing this map come to life, which makes me love her even more.
Yet, I think there are plenty of indisputable qualities in this beauty: first of all, it's visually stunning! The artwork is fun and kinda reminds me of my childhood playing Vulcan Island (a cheesy 90s boardgame); but also check those shadows in the sea: the design and the overall colors deliver you a true sense of being there fighting the waves!
Secondly, it's not the usual map: you have an hexagon layout on top of an ocean map, which we rarely sea around; honestly it's refreshing!
Thirdly, it's a courageous map because it tries to experiment and innovate: I understand many might have felt a bit irked by the reverse INSS-like bonus system, but it can be changed in the settings and really, it pushes you to strategize in a different way.
Check this map out! It's a must play!
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