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The Vengeance Pact

Unlocks at level 5 or with the Mega Maps Pack
#Fictional  #Diplomacy  #Fantasy  
Created by Mgreedy (all)
Went public on 6/17/2024
Number of ratings: 17
Average rating: 4.0 / 5
2927 territories, 1469 bonuses, 2 distribution modes


A map based on the "War of Reckoning" from the first entry in "The Stormlight Archives", "The Way of Kings", by Brandon Sanderson.

My thanks to Maury and Murk for their help testing and the map making community for their advice throughout this process.

This map is built with diplomacy and roleplaying games in mind but is still suitable for general games as well.

There is a guide to the special mechanics of the map at the bottom but to summarise some of them:
• Minor penalty for being in chasms
• Major penalty for being in a chasm adjacent to the storm
• Minor penalty for being adjacent to a chasmfiend unless it is "slain" by surrounding it, in which case you are given a minor reward
• Minor penalty for being in the storm, unless you take shelter by claiming the entire bonus
• Minor reward for encountering lost weaponry in the chasms
• Major reward for gaining a chasmfiends heart
• Ladders allow going between the chasm and plateau layers


Review by AJ on 11/7/2024.
will not give me any armies
Response by map creator Mgreedy on 10/18/2024
Trying to work backwards from this comment I suspect your initial territories included those that result in penalties such as the chasms, the storm, next to a chasmfiend etc...
Assuming your initial income wasn't 0 itself...

I recommend playing the map using the High Princes vs Listeners distribution mode to avoid this problem and to get the most out of the mode
1 out of 1 person found this review helpful.
Review by Pulgui on 10/8/2024.
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by jestew on 12/6/2024.
The map is genius. It's incredibly complex. The only drawback is it doesn't play well with teams - it really needs a way for 6 teams to start with one player on each side of the map. The current starting position for teams makes them all start twisted together inside a single camp.
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by sgtspell on 1/5/2025.
Complexity is cool.
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