- The 4 Kingdoms of Gondawa (Agernath, Bénézine, Britania and Omidanos) launched the conquest of the recently emerged new Continent to take it from Draken's hands. The early mankind alliance against the common ennemy, materialized in the Mont Azur Pact, quickly changed to bloody rush for selfness interests as artefacts and ancient knowledge were found.
- You can cross rivers but not lakes. Some islands can be reach (yellow link) thanks to FDUSP - freaking dark undersea secret passage or MOSTTS - magical over-strange terrifying transport system)
Suggestions :
- Use of diplomatic cards (1 or 2 turn peace, maybe 1 at the beginning of game)
- Use of Sanction Card as the carrying of reinforcement forces from motherland is long and dangerous (1 or 2 turn, 50%).
- Reinforcement cards