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The Islands

Created by jonathan pietjes (all)
Went public on 1/31/2013
Number of ratings: 79
Average rating: 3.3417 / 5
85 territories, 21 bonuses, 0 distribution modes



Review by Master of the Seas on 2/3/2013.
Whilst the map is nice and decorative, and by and large well designed, if you can capture the centre island, the game is yours even when fighting three other players. I suppose this brings out a competive element to capture it, which creates a desire for the outer islands to suppliment any attacks. However, once you have obtained the centre island, regardless of where else you mean own, victory is almost guarenteed (unless you make a very stupid mistake). I think toning down the centre islands overall bonuses from about 40 to 20 would still give you an edge, but depending on the skill of the opponents, does not guarentee victory. Overall, good effort at a map.
7 out of 7 people found this review helpful.
Review by Nathan on 1/23/2014.
Very creative. The towers make the castles difficult to capture and hold. Great work. I only wish the connection between north and south was a bit more obvious.
1 out of 1 person found this review helpful.
Review by Mark The Destroyer on 1/19/2014.
Tough map to sort through. I liked the visuals and the Castle concept is nice.
1 out of 1 person found this review helpful.
Review by Blas de Lezo on 2/22/2013.
muy buen mapa
1 out of 2 people found this review helpful.
Review by Andalorium on 9/6/2016.
The map is okay, I'd like to see the bonuses redistributed to more fully balance the map, because if you get the main island you've pretty much won
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by Aaron on 12/16/2024.
0 out of 0 people found this review helpful.
Review by tayloj on 9/27/2013.
twas pretty good
0 out of 1 person found this review helpful.