
Plays from United States: Massachusetts
Level 58
Part of clan: Null
Points earned in last 30 days: 0
Player-supplied link:


Joined Warzone: 1/3/2015
Currently in no games
Played in 600 multi-player games (7.1% real-time)
Last seen 156 days 8 hours ago
Booted 10 times (0% of their last 100)


Coin Leaderboard

Ranked 130th in season 138 with 152 coins won
Ranked 94th in season 139 with 219 coins won
Ranked 134th in season 140 with 167 coins won
Ranked 59th in season 141 with 387 coins won
Ranked 88th in season 142 with 305 coins won
Ranked 124th in season 143 with 145 coins won
Ranked 68th in season 144 with 307 coins won
Ranked 130th in season 146 with 138 coins won
Ranked 50th in season 148 with 418 coins won
Ranked 49th in season 149 with 528 coins won
Ranked 73rd in season 150 with 450 coins won
Ranked 57th in season 151 with 598 coins won
33 coins won in season 152
Ranked 114th in season 166 with 289 coins won
Ranked 226th in season 167 with 109 coins won
Ranked 67th in season 168 with 558 coins won
Ranked 108th in season 169 with 349 coins won
Ranked 96th in season 170 with 478 coins won
77 coins won in season 171
(no photo)


Play Speed

Multi-Day Games:
  Average: 6 hours
< 5 mins 
5 - 30 mins 
30 mins - 2 hrs 
2 - 5 hrs 
5 - 12 hrs 
12 hrs - 1 day 
1 day - 1 week 
> 1 week 
Real-Time Games:
  Average: 3 minutes 29 seconds
< 30 sec 
30 sec - 1 min 
1 - 2 mins 
2 - 5 mins 
5 - 10 mins 
> 10 mins 

Achievements (20%)

Ranked in the top 50 of the coin leaderboard
Win a 1v1 coin game
Europe Challenge
Crazy Challenge
Viral Achievement
Color Superiority
Play Warzone from two platforms
Warzone Birthday
Second Birthday
Take a 2 with 2
Resist an attack of 100 or more armies
Resist an attack of 200 or more armies
Control 100 armies
Control 200 armies
Control 1000 armies
Show All
Statistics on this page can be up to 30 minutes out of date