
Plays from Portugal
Level 63
Points earned in last 30 days: 0
Player-supplied link:


Joined Warzone: 11/17/2016
Currently in no games
Played in 5848 multi-player games (38.4% real-time)
Last seen 727 days 7 hours ago
Booted 85 times (0.9% of their last 100)


Global: 942.71
Multi-day: 655.32
Real-time: 554.22

Coin Leaderboard

59 coins won in season 61
55 coins won in season 62
16 coins won in season 65
Ranked 29th in season 66 with 574 coins won
13 coins won in season 67
Ranked 24th in season 68 with 563 coins won
Ranked 25th in season 69 with 596 coins won
24 coins won in season 71
132 coins won in season 72
10 coins won in season 73
170 coins won in season 114
Ranked 56th in season 116 with 308 coins won
25 coins won in season 117
236 coins won in season 118
175 coins won in season 119
30 coins won in season 120
67 coins won in season 121
74 coins won in season 122
4 coins won in season 124
122 coins won in season 126
170 coins won in season 128
16 coins won in season 129
68 coins won in season 130
276 coins won in season 131
68 coins won in season 132
3 coins won in season 134
Ranked 76th in season 137 with 306 coins won
42 coins won in season 138
56 coins won in season 139
Ranked 63rd in season 142 with 425 coins won
93 coins won in season 144
61 coins won in season 145
Ranked 96th in season 146 with 214 coins won
Ranked 108th in season 148 with 195 coins won
Ranked 75th in season 153 with 469 coins won


- 1st place in League of 20
- 1st place in # Hannibal at the Gates 5x3 0WR
- 1st place in Tournament of Rome
- 1st place in Rise of Rome 2v2, 0 inc start
- 1st place in RoR Christmas Tour
- 1st place in AWP World Tour - 250 Series - MA Battle Islands V
- 1st place in AWP World Tour - Masters 1000 - Macedonia No Split
- 1st place in 3vs3, auto 1x11, no luck, 0 per neutral, 0 army
- 1st place in AWP World Tour - 500 Series - China
- 1st place in Small Earth 1v1


Ladder Best Rank Current Rank
1 v 1 2nd (2228) Unranked (100)
2 v 2 Unranked (100) Unranked (100)
3 v 3 3rd (1867) Unranked (100)
Season XXXIV 13th (3289) 26th (3257)
Season XXXV 3rd (3432) 10th (3423)
Season XXXVI 3rd (3367) 17th (3340)
Season XXXVII 2nd (3626) 2nd (3591)
Season XXXVIII 1st (3182) 37th (3142)
Season XXXIX 22nd (3231) 27th (3222)
Season XL 21st (3224) 39th (3217)
Season XLI 28th (3230) 29th (3228)
Season XLII 4th (3320) 27th (3314)
Season XLIII 1st (3385) 16th (3327)
Season XLIV 10th (3240) 67th (3233)
Season XLV 8th (2887) 216th (2953)

Ranked Games

Completed 5769 ranked games (3921 / 5769)

1v1: 3280 / 4618 (71%)
3 player FFA: 4 / 8 (50%)
4 player FFA: 32 / 84 (38%)
5 player FFA: 18 / 36 (50%)
6 player FFA: 8 / 23 (34%)
7 player FFA: 3 / 16 (18%)
8 player FFA: 0 / 5 (0%)
9 player FFA: 1 / 3 (33%)
10 player FFA: 1 / 3 (33%)
11 player FFA: 0 / 1 (0%)
12 player FFA: 0 / 1 (0%)
14 player FFA: 0 / 1 (0%)
2v2: 213 / 341 (62%)
2v2v2: 7 / 19 (36%)
2v2v2v2: 4 / 7 (57%)
2v2v2v2v2: 0 / 1 (0%)
2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2: 0 / 1 (0%)
3v3: 327 / 543 (60%)
3v3v3: 7 / 14 (50%)
3v3v3v3: 1 / 3 (33%)
4v4: 10 / 24 (41%)
4v4v4v4: 0 / 1 (0%)
5v5: 5 / 12 (41%)
6v6: 0 / 1 (0%)
6v6v6: 0 / 1 (0%)
6v6v6v6: 0 / 1 (0%)
8v8: 0 / 1 (0%)
(no photo)


Play Speed

Multi-Day Games:
  Average: 7 hours
< 5 mins 
5 - 30 mins 
30 mins - 2 hrs 
2 - 5 hrs 
5 - 12 hrs 
12 hrs - 1 day 
1 day - 1 week 
> 1 week 
Real-Time Games:
  Average: 2 minutes 13 seconds
< 30 sec 
30 sec - 1 min 
1 - 2 mins 
2 - 5 mins 
5 - 10 mins 
> 10 mins 

Achievements (27%)

Win 5 ladder games in a row
Ranked in the top 50 of the coin leaderboard
Win a 1v1 ladder game
Win a 2v2 ladder game
Win a seasonal ladder game
Win a real-time ladder game
Win a 1v1 coin game
Win a FFA coin game
Positional Advantage
Viral Achievement
Color Superiority
Play Warzone from two platforms
Warzone Birthday
Second Birthday
Take a 1 with 1
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