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Level 11251 - 11275 of 22645   <<Prev   1  2  3  ...  226  ...  450  451  452  ...  678  ...  905  906  Next >>   
challenge annika 5   21 likes, 138 wins in 498 attempts
Created by mark
Record holder: DH in 21 turns
World war 3 S1 E19: Russian Control   7 likes, 34 wins in 34 attempts
Created by JC
Record holder: Bart Jansen in 3 turns
Puzzle 1 by legolas   29 likes, 251 wins in 426 attempts
Created by Legolas
Record holder: muon in 11 turns
Greater Argintene Reich 7: Bolivian Betrayance   2 likes, 34 wins in 35 attempts
Created by Lol
Record holder: Gemini in 3 turns
the little ones (Slovakian side)   6 likes, 50 wins in 146 attempts
Created by Erzherzog
Record holder: Lepanto31 in 14 turns
Greater Agrintene Reich 6: Deal with Paraguay   3 likes, 32 wins in 33 attempts
Created by Lol
Record holder: zzyxx in 2 turns
Argentina Reich 5: Second Anshluss   3 likes, 33 wins in 35 attempts
Created by Lol
Record holder: bLaCk_G0D in 5 turns
Greek empire part 3   2 likes, 41 wins in 48 attempts
Created by hi
Record holder: josewar in 11 turns
Bulgaria   5 likes, 36 wins in 42 attempts
Created by Romania
Record holder: Ysayell1 in 3 turns
Break the Terror State   10 likes, 73 wins in 111 attempts
Created by ani12
Record holder: Ysayell1 in 9 turns
Aliens 1   7 likes, 70 wins in 78 attempts
Created by Lol
Record holder: sameh in 6 turns
World war 3 S1 E18: Arabian Combat   10 likes, 61 wins in 62 attempts
Created by JC
Record holder: Rik Desmet in 5 turns
Letsma Og   51 likes, 293 wins in 549 attempts
Created by Théo Dubois
Record holder: Ken in 16 turns
USA part 10   6 likes, 49 wins in 51 attempts
Created by JSchoester4344
Record holder: rambo in 4 turns
Kook Nah   39 likes, 301 wins in 428 attempts
Created by Théo Dubois
Record holder: Jesse Cobb in 13 turns
Star Wars 1: Conquer Iraq   5 likes, 72 wins in 79 attempts
Created by Lol
Record holder: T-Bone in 9 turns
Greek empire part 2   3 likes, 49 wins in 49 attempts
Created by hi
Record holder: jona in 5 turns
Mordor Empire Part 3   3 likes, 339 wins in 346 attempts
Created by Evan
Record holder: Santa Claus in 7 turns
Mordor Empire Part 2   6 likes, 97 wins in 105 attempts
Created by Evan
Record holder: A Good Consumer in 9 turns
Mordor Empire Part 1   8 likes, 119 wins in 127 attempts
Created by Evan
Record holder: Godzilla in 4 turns
World War #6 - Russia   11 likes, 76 wins in 479 attempts
Created by Onyx
Record holder: dooh in 23 turns
USA part 9   6 likes, 63 wins in 64 attempts
Created by JSchoester4344
Record holder: IMakeWarOnU in 5 turns
Star Wars Trailer   4 likes, 70 wins in 72 attempts
Created by Lol
Record holder: JSchoester4344 in 6 turns
challenge annika 4   23 likes, 91 wins in 690 attempts
Created by mark
Record holder: josewar in 26 turns
Sky Blue Army   50 likes, 502 wins in 804 attempts
Created by Jez
Record holder: Zocotoed in 8 turns
Level 11251 - 11275 of 22645   <<Prev   1  2  3  ...  226  ...  450  451  452  ...  678  ...  905  906  Next >>