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Level 11301 - 11325 of 22645   <<Prev   1  2  3  ...  227  ...  452  453  454  ...  679  ...  905  906  Next >>   
USA part 5   4 likes, 49 wins in 55 attempts
Created by JSchoester4344
Record holder: Rik Desmet in 12 turns
Japan 5   3 likes, 42 wins in 47 attempts
Created by Lol
Record holder: JSchoester4344 in 4 turns
challenge annika! 1   18 likes, 84 wins in 299 attempts
Created by mark
Record holder: muon in 15 turns
USA part 4   5 likes, 48 wins in 56 attempts
Created by JSchoester4344
Record holder: principe nero in 7 turns
alternative ww2 europe   8 likes, 38 wins in 48 attempts
Created by wagwanpifting
Record holder: Vlad the Impala in 12 turns
Japan 4 B   4 likes, 44 wins in 44 attempts
Created by Lol
Record holder: Mark in 8 turns
Japan 4 A   3 likes, 39 wins in 41 attempts
Created by Lol
Record holder: Mark in 5 turns
Seriously WTF   2 likes, 44 wins in 64 attempts
Created by (deleted)
Record holder: Nikitan in 9 turns
USA part 3   5 likes, 59 wins in 64 attempts
Created by JSchoester4344
Record holder: TheSoundBoard in 5 turns
The World War II in Japan   17 likes, 76 wins in 110 attempts
Created by Onche !
Record holder: CPH80 in 13 turns
Japan 3   3 likes, 39 wins in 44 attempts
Created by Lol
Record holder: T in 3 turns
Greek empire part 1   2 likes, 71 wins in 73 attempts
Created by hi
Record holder: TheSoundBoard in 3 turns
USA part 2   5 likes, 72 wins in 75 attempts
Created by JSchoester4344
Record holder: Corn Silver in 5 turns
Japan 2   3 likes, 44 wins in 45 attempts
Created by Lol
Record holder: a in 6 turns
Japan 1   3 likes, 45 wins in 46 attempts
Created by Lol
Record holder: Mr. Wolf in 4 turns
USA part 1   8 likes, 57 wins in 60 attempts
Created by JSchoester4344
Record holder: Godzilla in 4 turns
alternative ww1 south america   3 likes, 27 wins in 32 attempts
Created by wagwanpifting
Record holder: Polish Hussars in 7 turns
After the war 8   3 likes, 36 wins in 38 attempts
Created by Lol
Record holder: Akihiro Tsuchiya in 4 turns
Hungary 5   1 like, 50 wins in 50 attempts
Created by Lol
Record holder: Akihiro Tsuchiya in 8 turns
Liberate the Horn   82 likes, 483 wins in 933 attempts
Created by ani12
Record holder: kss31 in 11 turns
Hungary 4   2 likes, 44 wins in 44 attempts
Created by Lol
Record holder: GrndolcoNas in 2 turns
Iranian empire part 1   3 likes, 66 wins in 67 attempts
Created by hi
Record holder: a in 2 turns
World war S1 E14: Southeast asia combat   11 likes, 51 wins in 54 attempts
Created by JC
Record holder: zzyxx in 6 turns
God,Honour,Fatherland P.1   36 likes, 245 wins in 347 attempts
Created by Antonius I of Smoleńsk
Record holder: T in 7 turns
Puma   20 likes, 57 wins in 914 attempts
Created by LADY POWER
Record holder: RoadtoHell in 30 turns
Level 11301 - 11325 of 22645   <<Prev   1  2  3  ...  227  ...  452  453  454  ...  679  ...  905  906  Next >>