ww2 part 5 operation barbarossa p1 leningrad

Created by BenMichael Brauen (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 6/9/2017
Number of attempts: 190
Number of wins: 170
Number of likes: 18
Record holder: Corn Silver in 10 turns on 6/9/2017


it is june 22nd 1941 and instead of going for moscow as expected by the russians we are going after leningrad so we can sweep south and cut their front lines off this will help destroy their morale while we may not be able to defeat them with a victory at moscow or any city but we can drive their morale to the point where they give up and we have learned form napoleon we have prepared for the harsh climate

difficulty: somewhat easy
allies: finland