rise of germany #27 new kaiser

Created by BenMichael Brauen (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 8/3/2017
Number of attempts: 159
Number of wins: 133
Number of likes: 6
Record holder: dc in 6 turns on 8/4/2017


the Russian empire is now ours with the empire is now the most feared in the world so much that the kaiser was assassinated his son is the new kaiser he believes in hitlers ideology while most of our generals disagree we can not go against his word his plans are that of hitlers we would rebel but he has eyes and ears everywhere his first orders is to start the invasion of eastern Europe but with the new kaiser planning to literally genocide most of our empire our man power is low he has also cut ties with most allies he wants it all he plans to start with Bulgaria and Romania

- Bulgaria and Romania will become puppet states
- Bulgaria and Romania as well as all other puppets in europe will start to pay 10 % of taxes to germany from now on