Wait, form a Kuw (level 2 difficulty)

Created by Steveabode (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 8/8/2017
Number of attempts: 721
Number of wins: 623
Number of likes: 10
Record holder: Bart Jansen in 14 turns on 5/4/2019


*Level 2 reduces the armies given to your allies, Iraq**

Your group of nations-- the East Meditteranean allies have formed a pact with Iraq in a bid to wrestle control of the region from Saudia & their allied nations.

Rush to claim as much territory as possible against your foes but beware, danger lurks in the West (the African Interest League) and in the East (Iran) as they sniff around in search of easy gains of the oil-rick lands!