Can Kianski really win?

Created by bob davis (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 11/3/2017
Number of attempts: 183
Number of wins: 172
Number of likes: 15
Record holder: Artur Sobiech in 3 turns on 11/3/2017


After taking over North America, Kianski set his sights on the rest of the world. Only they can stop him. Or can they? I could go on and on about how huge Kianski is. He must be at least 250 pounds, but only 5 10. he is so huge that anyone that gets in his way get steamrolled and removed from this earth and killed and squished. But that's not all he can talk about "how its all you fault" or "hey gar bear". Wowowowowowowowowowowowoowowowowowowowowowowowowowowow