Second American Civil War: 1 (Check Description)

Created by Swedian (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 10/29/2018
Number of attempts: 133
Number of wins: 98
Number of likes: 15
Record holder: zzyxx in 9 turns on 10/29/2018


General! The United States of America are no more. After harsh internal struggles the country has dissolved into warring factions, struggling for control of our nation. There is nothing but chaos and anarchy. You have been given command of the Western States, a temporary nation which will serve as the foundation of american reunification.

To our east a rival government has been set up. As of late conflicts on the texan border with these usurpers have escalated into full blown war. It is now your job to make these fools our first victims on our path to a revived union! Forth brave Americans! Do not forget your heritage and do not forget our mission to retake what has been lost! To victory!