Restoration of the Reich, Part 2, Central Europe

Created by The Empire of pokemans (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 11/11/2019
Number of attempts: 60
Number of wins: 56
Number of likes: 4
Record holder: tim reick in 7 turns on 11/11/2019


When you were taking over Benelux, Austria and Hungary wanted to take over some stuff, to, so they united to form the Austrian-Hungarian Empire. Seeing all of this, the Czech Republic and Slovakia wanted to be safe, so they united to form Czechoslovakia, and they also created the Europe Protection Pact,( or EPP for short,) with Serbia, Croatia, B-H, and Slovenia. A-H decided to strengthen their army, and went to war with EPP for old lands, and you decided that your country should intervene in the middle of it, promising peace for everyone, but really, you just wanted more land.