God,Honour,Fatherland P.9

Created by Antonius I of Smoleńsk (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 6/1/2020
Number of attempts: 38
Number of wins: 23
Number of likes: 4
Record holder: tdfactory in 22 turns on 6/8/2020


Great work,commander.

Poland took Czechia,eastern Germany and Lithuania. Slovakia was divided between Poland and Hungary. Latvia between Poland and Belarus. And Estonia was absorbed by Russia.

The time has come for the next phase of the war. The action will take palce in Western Europe. After hard fights against Turkey,Bulgaria agreed to stay neutral. Same with Romania,some ex-Yugo states and most of Scandinavia,which were afraid of possible doom. The conflict between the Turks and Greeks was reignited. Great Britain has successfully invaded France, which is also suffering from a German attack. Italy is doing well,inter alia due to the fact that Spain withdrew from NATO, considering the war senseless. Austria - EU member,but not NATO - decided to join war to fight against us.

Today Turkey,Hungary,Italy and France will help us. We have significantly weakened the German army on the Eastern Front - we need to roll through their teritory to help France and at the same time focus on Denmark. It is not the end: our and Hungarian forces will invade Austria,Slovenia and Croatia to let Italians take out Albania. Turkey has been fighting Greece in the Aegean Sea for a long time - we could send some support. But the most important is France - their army is weakened and exhausted. And the French will be pissed off that they didn't get any help...

Russia has sent us some support. Don't forget that enemies have aid from Americans. Good luck - the next chapter can be a risky move...