The Weak Suffer What They Must (613 BC)

Created by Ewiger Zar (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 7/30/2020
Number of attempts: 106
Number of wins: 34
Number of likes: 11
Record holder: qs in 11 turns on 9/27/2021


The year is 613. Over 5,000 infantry and 100 ships just met a crushing defeat at the hands of the Syracusans after embarking on a fruitless endeavor halfway across the Mediterranean, leaving Athens in desperate need of both soldiers and funds. The Peloponnesian League lingers on Athens' doorstep, while Syracuse sends a fleet to support Sparta's allies at sea as retribution for the Athenians' folly. Can Athens and its Delian League rally to secure victory, or will Athens finally lose its grip over the Aegean?