(#5) 1 Turn Level: Peace through power!

Created by Corn Silver (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0
Went public on 10/2/2020
Number of attempts: 40
Number of wins: 1
Number of likes: 2
Record holder: Juan in 1 turns on 10/5/2020


"One vision! One purpose! Peace through power!"
<wah. what's that?>

"One vision! One purpose! Peace through power!"
<you can hear chanting, is this a dream?>

"One vision! One purpose! Peace through power!"
<you rub your eyes awake. what's this?? oh no, are Nod back again ... !!?>

"One vision! One purpose! Peace through power!"
<shit, you can still hear it. the intercom beeps: "good luck commander.">