First Silesian War

Created by pitulnik (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 10/20/2020
Number of attempts: 127
Number of wins: 55
Number of likes: 16
Record holder: L.S.D. in 17 turns on 10/20/2020


The First Silesian War was fought between 1740-1742. The new Austrian Archduchess Maria Theresa had to brawl with many male European rules not recognizing legitimacy of her rule. Prussian king Frederick II saw an opportunity to make territorial gains and declared war for Silesia. He was backed by many other countries.
In real history, Austria was defeated badly, Lands of Bohemian Crown were occupied. After separate peace with Prussia, meaning giving up wealthy Silesia (1742), Maria Theresa was able to expel the French, Saxons and Bavarians, defeating Charles Albrecht who claimed himself as a new King of Bohemia.
If Prussia gets Silesia, you lose. The French have army placed in Thuringia to simulate possibility of their support of Prussian invasion to Bohemia.