Bengali Tribulation

Created by Bl3CkM00n r3b0rn (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 12/2/2020
Number of attempts: 70
Number of wins: 53
Number of likes: 6
Record holder: Corum in 4 turns on 12/2/2020


As the Indo Raj Fell in XX18 Bengal had a coup by an ambitious 17 year old boy, people made fun of him until he passed new revolutionary reforms which shoked the world, the then attacked Assam, East Indian Commune and the new Shin republic in XX21 with tactic which took the opposing armies by suprise, when their armies retreated in the Battle For Kolkata in march China knew they had to stop this new threat, they sent massive reinforcements to the enemies of Bengal and now The new state stood on its legs, ready to strike