Power Attack Part 2

Created by Matteo (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 3/28/2021
Number of attempts: 139
Number of wins: 87
Number of likes: 5
Record holder: Saltie in 11 turns on 3/28/2021


After the battle in Ontario, Mason heard about you and your victory. Ben, the other commander looking for Mason, alerts you of where Mason is located. Both of you team up against Mason’s army. You guys head to Manitoba and Saskatchewan to set up camp. However, you guys realized what you were going into . . . . Timber, a teammate of Mason. Timber sent his army to stop you from destroying Mason. Mason does get away :(. But, you still have a chance at defeating Timber’s army with a small portion of Mason’s army. This will drop the population of Mason’s and Timber’s army. This will hopefully send a message to Mason to stop this none sense.