Upheaval in Italy

Created by Edouard (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 6/6/2021
Number of attempts: 364
Number of wins: 35
Number of likes: 7
Record holder: sung in 11 turns on 6/6/2021


Mid 1940s, in a fictional timeline
As a chain of unexpected incidents struck an Italy that had just come out of the shadows of a long and bitter war, strategists across the Atlantic were looking worriedly into the prospect of a communist takeover in Europe, starting with the occupation of Eastern Europe and worsening with subversive attempts in Italy, which could easily result in half of the Mediterranean turning red. Looking in retrospect, a victory too easy in Greece perhaps led to some overconfidence and rash actions, which now seem particularly rash, as the nationwide purge against communists came before the complete restoration of order. Some of the reds still bore arms, controlled factories and even administered regions. More unexpectedly, putting down a few rioting sympathizers somehow swayed public discourse to the enemy's advantage and became a detriment. Militants now prevailed the streets and alleys of cities that once bore the Renaissance. Armed bands had reached the outskirts of Rome, without encountering much of a resistance. Landowners and their (Mafia) allies were able to restore some order in the South though, and troops had assembled in Lombardy, Piedmont and Veneto, much to our relief. The insurrection seemed to be confined to a mere belt, and despite a Tito stirring trouble in the east, most of Italy was well under our control.

See also: Portella della Ginestra massacre;1948 Italian general election

Tips: Take advantage of an unexpected uprising in Naples. Spread out attacks are much less rewarding as kill rates have been changed.